Θα προτιμούσα χρυσό 18 καρατίων - traducción al Inglés
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Θα προτιμούσα χρυσό 18 καρατίων - traducción al Inglés

Matthew 18:15; Matthew 18:17; Matthew 18:27; Matthew 18:8; Matthew 18:4; Matthew 18:5; Matthew 18:10; Matthew 18:1; Matthew 18:3; Matthew 18:2; Matthew 18:7; Matthew 18:12; Matthew 18:11; Matthew 18:6; Matthew 18:13; Matthew 18:9; Matthew 18:29; Matthew 18:14; Matthew 18:31; Matthew 18:20; Matthew 18:21; Matthew 18:24; Matthew 18:25; Matthew 18:28; Matthew 18:23; Matthew 18:32; Matthew 18:16; Matthew 18:19; Matthew 18:22; Matthew 18:30; Matthew 18:26; Matthew 18:18; Matthew 18:33; Matthew 18:34; Matthew 18:35; Matt 18; Discourse on the Church
  • Codex Colbertinus 700/Codex Regius 278 (Lectionary 1)]]
  • Matthew 18:32-34; 19:1-3,5-7,9-10 on the ''recto'' side of [[Papyrus 25]] from 4th century.
  • "Jesus teaches about greatness" by [[Julius Schnorr von Karolsfeld]], 1860

i would prefer one in 18 carat gold      
θα προτιμούσα χρυσό 18 καρατίων.
Θα προτιμούσα χρυσό 18 καρατίων.      
I would prefer one in 18 carat gold.
stearic acid         
Octadecanoic acid; Stearate; Stearic Acid; Stearin acid; Stearinic acid; Stearic; Stearic acids; E570; Steric acid; C18:0; Bonderlube 235; C-Lube 10; Dermarone; Emersol 153NF; Flexichem B; Hystrene; Industrene; Prifac 2918; Prodhygine; Sterate; 18:0; Cetylacetic acid
στεαρικό οξύ


·adj Eight and ten; as, eighteen pounds.
II. Eighteen ·noun A symbol denoting eighteen units, as 18 or xviii.
III. Eighteen ·noun The number greater by a unit than seventeen; eighteen units or objects.


Matthew 18

Chapter 18 of the Gospel of Matthew contains the fourth of the five Discourses of Matthew, also called the Discourse on the Church or the ecclesiastical discourse. It compares "the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven" to a child, and also includes the parables of the lost sheep and the unforgiving servant, the second of which also refers to the Kingdom of Heaven. The general theme of the discourse is the anticipation of a future community of followers, and the role of his apostles in leading it.

Dale Allison states that this chapter offers "Instructions for the Church". Addressing his apostles in Matthew 18:18, Jesus states: "what things soever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and what things soever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven". The discourse emphasizes the importance of humility and self-sacrifice as the high virtues within the anticipated community. It teaches that in the Kingdom of God, it is childlike humility that matters, not social prominence and clout.